鍾秀貞長老 追思告別禮拜

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Funeral Service for Ms. Janice Chung

Our family is deeply saddened to inform you the passing of our mother, Janice Hsiu-Jen Chung. As many of you know, she has been battling cancer for some time now. We thank our Lord that her passing was peaceful. Her funeral service will be held on Saturday, August 12th at Shinfong Presbyterian Church in Tainan, Taiwan at 2:30 PM. 

我的母親,鍾秀貞老師在今年8月4日下午已經安息主懷了。我們心中非常難過,不捨; 但是我們感謝 神讓母親沒有疼痛,平安的離開世間,歸回天家。母親的追思告別禮拜是在8月12日禮拜六下午2時30分在台南市關廟區的新豐教會。

追思告別禮拜: 新豐教會

日期: 2017年8月12日 (星期六)
時間: 下午2時30分
地點: 新豐基督長老教會
地址: 台灣台南市關廟區文衡路111號







故人略歷 - 鍾秀貞老師



        透過高雄六合教會梁讓牧師夫婦的介紹,我的母親和我當牙醫師的父親認識,結婚。在1973年嫁到台南關廟來。我的母親嫁來台南以後,就到了關廟國中當音樂老師。單純的她嫁到了我們的家族有許多需要適應的地方。但是她順服 神,在辛苦中學習靈命和個性的成長。白天在學校教書,晚上下班後還要養育子女,服侍公婆,也在父親的牙科診所幫忙。她也協助父親在牙醫師公會,救國團,家扶中心,基甸會,和其它機構的參與工作,非常的辛勞。她在關廟這裡養育了一對兒女成長。她堅信基督,所以給她的小孩取名為主恩和慈愛。我的父親,王坤燦醫師在中年的時候就得病去世了。母親辛苦的扛起養育子女成長的責任; 培養子女受教育,幫助子女結婚,成家。

        神疼愛我的母親,祂給母親在教會有服事 神的機會。我的母親在關廟國中是音樂老師,神也讓她在新豐教會獻上在音樂上的恩賜。她在學校任教34年退休以後,那時父親和祖母也都已經離世,她在教會和服事 神找到了許多安慰。她喜樂的擺上一切,為主做工。母親也曾經和父親在基甸會的聖經事工上服事 神。在基甸會認識很多疼她的姐妹,參與基甸會的事工帶給她很多喜樂。晚年,參與四阿姨指揮的嘉義愛樂合唱團,一起四處演唱; 也參加北榮教會松年團契的活動,非常喜悅。

        我的母親在2015年診斷出罹患癌症。她接受治療,但也順服 神的旨意。去年經過了6次化療,最後選擇了安寧療法。在今年的8月4日平靜的離開世間,安息在主懷中。神祝福我的母親在很少病痛中平安的回天家。我母親生前最享受平靜的生活,喜愛安靜的休息。感謝 神疼愛我的母親,息了她在人世間的勞苦,讓她能平安的歸回在天上永遠的家。


"........but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:13~14

Obituary - Ms. Janice Chung of Tainan, Taiwan

Ms. Janice Chung was born on November 19th, 1948 in Yunlin, Taiwan. She was the youngest of six children. She had 1 brother and 4 sisters. Her father was educated at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. He returned to Taiwan to work as an officer at Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Her mother was a nurse for child delivery. Her childhood was joyful. Her father later suffered from stroke after his retirement from work. He then passed away while Janice was in high school and life became difficult financially for her. Her sisters assited her financially to attend college in Taiwan's capital city, Taipei. After graduation, she returned to Yunlin to teach as a music teacher.

Janice married her dentist husband, Kunsun Own in 1973 and moved to Tainan, Taiwan. She continued her teaching career at Guanmiao Junior High School as a music teacher. She lived a busy life in Tainan and she often had to multitask to support her family. She was teaching at school in the daytime and helping out at her husband's dental clinic at night. Together they raised two children, David and Rachel. Her husband, Kunsun Own passed away while their children were still attending universities. Janice stayed single to raised their two children and supported them until they all got married and formed their own families.

Janice was active in serving God at her local church, Shinfong Presbyterian Church. She was elected elder and served in the music minsitry at the church. Janice was also an active  member of Gideons International. She made many good friends in both organizations.  She was blessed to have these brothers and sisters in Christ praying for her while she was battling cancer and supporting her with many encouragements.

Janice was diagonosed with cancer in 2015. She has went through 6 Chemo treaments. She prayed to God and she knew her time was near. She passed away peacefully in the afternoon of August 4th, 2017.    

Janice was a loving sister, wife, mother, and grandmother. She depended on God through all the different challenges in her life. She was cheerful, full of hope and always optimistic. She loved her family and she encouraged them throughout their hard times. She loved her grandchildren and indulged them with love and kindness. She will be dearly missed by her family, friends, and church.

